Friday 20 March 2015

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Before hashtags were #ireallythinkthisproductiscool #hastag they stood for the abbreviated number, or No. or Num. or just N.

And there in itself is a creative concept.  Numbers and how they are used to convey meaning.

Take this advertisement for example it's got NOTHING to do with numbers
(see what I did there)
but it has everything to do with WORDS and it's the words that advertisers use with such profound effect that when coupled with a seeming innocent picture of a man on his coffee break (Hi Innocent) the message and the meaning give you a kick harder than any mocha java could ever do. 

What's the creative concept here?  Isn't it about being creative, Innocent is sat at his piano an aspiring musician because of the creative use of words, words like

every beat, every second
So take it and make it

These are emotive words and they use so eptly like stanzas in a sonnet, they are almost poetic, they read like the rhythmic beat of a metronome , it's all about music, the rhythm, the high aspirations of a working musician, working hard and taking one of (hopefully many ((this will insure a regular customer)) well earned coffee breaks.

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