Friday 20 March 2015

Advertisement No. 3

Lets take a moment here to talk about the 5 senses,
and what's the last one?  Sorry what did you say???  "HEARING!!"
"oh right, sorry!"  "You don't have to shout!"

Well you might think that print advertisements only make use of one of the senses, that of sight,
and you'd be right.
You must've seen your sister or mother leafing through the latest edition of fashion magazine only to stop at a page, start picking at the foil tab on one of the pages, then proceed to rub their upturned wrist on the page fervently and even pick the whole thing up and rub it on their neck.  Like a cat to catnip the creative concept being used is smell, usually for that new perfume that's just come out and it works a treat, MEOW!    

Felt the material of a fabric or carpet swatch?  Chewed the free single bean of gum from the latest mens' magazine, tried the squidge of free shower gel or washing up liquid that came with your magazine?  These are all creative ways company's can get us the consumer to sample and experience their products without us commiting to going out and buying them.    

But a few free squirts of dishwashing add up to a few free cases of the stuff, which can get costly.  And what if you're advertising something that people can't experience wihtout physically going out there and getting, like car tyres? 

How about if we use their sense anyway?  Make peoples skins crawl, give them an adrenaline rush, act on their senses.
It can all be done through sight.

Take the above for example.  What does it conjure in your minds eye.  Take specific notice of those long wiry attennae, those dark beady little eyes, what do they SAY to you?  How do they make you FEEL?  
And the sound?  The audible crrrunnch as the foot steps down on invertibrate instead of piled cartpeting.


Now take those sense and the emotions that come with them and tire them in with a tyre advertisement and now you're selling rubber!  

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