Friday 20 March 2015

Men's Health Magazine Ads

Here are 4 print advertisements from the men's interest magazine Men's Health South Africa.

Please won't you take a moment and comment on each one, describing what you think the creative concepts behind the advertisements are.

So think from the perspective of the admen (and women) that came up with the idea and what creative things they use in order to convey the message across to buy the thing being advertised.

Got it?  Oh course you do!

Ready for your first advertisement?

Well here it comes.

Herbex advertisement
Ok so what do we think?

What strikes you straight away?

Stunning transformation, this young man has completely changed his image, he looks a lot more confident in the after photo.  It looks as if he has certainly lost some weight, and had a haircut, but I don't think it's the haircut alone we can credit to this change.

He's lost a boatload of weight,

The classic before and after. But this is actually the same individual.

We have the before and after headings in case you were unsure of the creative concept going on here. The creatives also put in the actual weight he was before 115kg and after 94kg and to highlight this amount have used a big red balloon with the amount he's lost.



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