Friday 20 March 2015

Advertisement No. 4

Poetic license, it sets the creative spirit free.  Not held to the rigours of right or what is correct it allows for special meaning, new and fresh meaning, to be given a new light.

Poets used it when they compaosed poems, not wanting to be held to the constraints of iambic pentameter they broke free and changed the course of peotic license and style (much to the resetnment and disgust of the established few)

These new styles of writing, writing conveyed so much meaning and emotion they did to creative writing what High Definition did to televion.

With new styles and expression can new words, if you couldn't find the right word why not borry one from other language, it became uber cool and very chiche thing to do.  Or better yet, if the right word didn't exsist, why not just invent a word.  It could be a whole new word (something Shakespear was particularily good at) or it could be a word chopped and created from 2 other established words to create one whole new word.

And say for example a cold beverage was so refreshing and just so thirst quenching the only word to desrcibe it was requenchment you create a hyperbole that is so unique to that product, and a powerful message using a word that attracts much attention.

What are your brainthoughts?  Remember to add them in the comments below.

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